Tuesday, June 29, 2010


MOSSES is not a biological term ,its the name of my school in which i studied till 10th!

MOSSES perhaps is the most unique school in this world,yeah i knw everyone says the same about thier rescpective schools but i mean it!

I MISS dat one nd half hour assembly in dose hot summer days  nd hot sticks which we used to get in chilly winters.Though i was a sincere student but dere was not a single student who might have escaped frm getting a stick[i was fun man:P].
I MISS dat fear which used to run through our entire body when we knew tht princi was around.He was a strict princi frm whose eyes nobody can escape ,but was ofcourse a great man :)

above all i miss my frnds .yeah I MISS pooja,shilpa,simran,aarti nd many.................list is long:(
they were the most beautiful part of my life,yeah the real frnds
POOJA[i wont call her my best frnd cause i never had a best frnd] was my closest frnd,she was just like me
we both used to laugh like an idiot but talked rarely in class !
we both were shy babies  :D

SHILPA nd SIMRAN were d beauty queens of my class[i blv dey really were] long black hairs,beautiful big eyes nd differnt style of making two plates made dem different frm every other girl in my class!

how can i forget deepakshi!tell what she was d biggest rival of mine but still a great frnd
we used to fight every other day but den very next day we used to act as if nthn happened:D

she was a chasmish but cute:D

nd ambitious AArti was the tallest girl in my class,she was very helping nd veryy g8 frnd!

talking about teachers , i miss them all
frm 5th grade to 10th each nd every teacher who came in my life thought dat this girl[alokita i.e me]
will do smthng big,nd i thnk them all for this:)

u all are no longer in my life ,i miss my school building ,i miss u all but dont worry i will come there one day to meet nd greet u all :)